Fiorini International at Packaging Premiere 2024
Packaging Première is the international exhibition dedicated to packaging innovation for...

Fiorini International at Interzoo 2024
Interzoo is the world's leading trade fair for the pet industry: every two years it welcomes thousands of visitors...

Planet Vs Plastics is the Earth Day 2024 theme
On 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated worldwide. The first Earth Day dates back to 1970: it has marked the beginning of...

Réduisez l’utilisation du plastique avec le sac en papier transparent
Our mission is to provide new sustainable packaging solutions respecting environment and people. Thanks to our...

EcoPack CONAI 2023: the eco-design award for our 100% paper pet food bag
Ecodesign and circular economy are two essential drivers in our sustainable business approach: the design of our...

Nos nouveaux produits au Paris Packaging Week 2024
La Paris Packaging Week est le salon lauréat du packaging pour les produits de beauté, les boissons premium, les...

Notre projet « Drive to Paper » : avec nos clients pour le développement durable
"Packaging is more and more a key driver in the final consumer's shopping experience and a brand loyalty booster....

This Black Friday choose sustainable Green packaging
Black Friday is the day of massive sales and great offers: according to a Codacons research, Black Friday 2023 will...

We join the European Week for Waste Reduction 2023
We are proud to join the European Week for Waste Reduction (18-26 november 2023) the international environmental...

At IAOM MEA 2023 with our partners from the Middle East and Africa
We are at the IAOM MEA (International Association of Operative Millers Mideast and Africa Region) Conference and Expo,...