DATA CONTROLLER: The Data Controller is Fiorini International Italia S.p.A. VAT reg. no. 00892320424, with registered office in Trecastelli (AN), Via Maestri del Lavoro n.13, in the person of its legal representative, tel: +39 071 791171 email:

PURPOSE AND LEGAL BASIS OF PROCESSING: personal, identifying and curricular data, collected directly from the Candidate (hereinafter, also “Data Subject”) or from third parties whose services the Controller uses for selection procedures, are processed and used to follow up the request of the Data Subject and, more precisely, to proceed with the check of prerequisites for recruitment and/or for the start of a collaboration. The Data Subject is not required to indicate the data qualified as ‘special’ by Art. 9 of the EU Regulation 2016/679  (GDPR) or health status. However, this is expressly without prejudice to the hypothesis that the data in question must be known on account of the employment relationship being established, with particular reference to the candidate’s possible membership of protected categories and any pre-employment medical examinations.

The legal basis of the processing is constituted by the candidature of the Data Subject in respect of one or more specific job offers of the company Fiorini International Italia S.p.A. and by the activities of assessment of said candidature carried out by the Data Controller for the purposes of the possible future establishment of an employment relationship with the Data Subject, the pre-contractual negotiations prior to the establishment of the possible employment relationship with the same, the regulations set out in the Italian Civil Code, Law 300/1970, EU Regulation 2016/679  (GDPR).

METHODS OF PROCESSING: personal data may be processed in paper form and with the aid of electronic instruments, with the compliance with all appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of same, with access allowed only to authorised operators, previously appointed as Data Processors, who have followed specific training courses and are periodically updated on the rules of privacy and made aware of the respect and protection of the dignity and confidentiality of data. All operators accessing the computerised data are identifiable and provided with a personal password; access to the data is permitted only for the purposes related to the role assigned to the individual employee and only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which data were collected.

NATURE OF PROVISION: the provision of data is optional; it is therefore up to the individual candidate to submit his/her curriculum vitae. With regard to the data subsequently and possibly requested by the Controller, failure to provide such data will make it impossible to proceed with the verification of the prerequisites for a possible employment and/or the start of a possible collaboration and, therefore, with the possible establishment of a relationship with the Controller.

PERSONAL DATA PROCESSORS: the Data Controller has designated those who process personal data on its behalf as Data Processors. The list of Data Processors is available to data subjects from the Data Controller and may be obtained upon written request sent to the Data Controller at the above-mentioned addresses.

AREA OF COMMUNICATION AND DISCLOSURE: personal and special data will not be disclosed in any way, but may possibly be communicated to parent companies, subsidiaries, associated companies and/or companies belonging to the same corporate group as the Data Controller for the purpose of participating in any recruitment. The candidate’s data, in case of employment, will be transmitted to external managers for purposes related to the paperwork and fulfilment of the individual employment contract. A list of the persons to whom the Controller communicates the personal data collected for the aforementioned purposes is available to the candidate at the Controller’s premises and may be obtained by sending a written request to the Controller.

DATA RETENTION: data will be retained by the Data Controller for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, except for the possible establishment of the employment and/or collaboration relationship. In any case, candidates’ data will not be retained for more than one year after their acquisition.

DATA SUBJECT’S RIGHTS: the Candidate, as the Data Subject, has the right to access the data concerning him/her and processed by us at any time, as well as to exercise all the rights recognised by current national and European legislation on the protection of personal data in Articles 7, 15 – 21 and 77 GDPR. These include the right to ask the Data Controller, at any time, for access to his/her data, the right to request the correction and updating of incorrect data, the deletion of same, and to revoke any consent given; the right to request the portability of data in a format readable by the most common applications; the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the event of unlawful processing or delay or obstruction by the Data Controller in the exercise of the data subject’s rights. The competent supervisory authority is the Authority for Privacy, Piazza di Monte Citorio no. 121 – 00186 ROMA – Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785 – Telephone switchboard: (+39) 06.696771 – Email:

In particular, to request the exercise of the above-mentioned rights, it is sufficient for the candidate to send a request to Deletion may be handled in an automated manner, whereby the candidate may receive further communications the sending of which was planned prior to the receipt of his or her cancellation request.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO): Ms Benedetta Marchesini – Via Bruno Buozzi 56 – Fabriano (AN) – tel. +39 0759652269 – mail