We are proud to be Top Excellence company at Sustainability Award, an important recognition that measures companies‘ attention to sustainability, enhancing and promoting corporate projects oriented innovation in processes, systems and products, and encouraging sustainable behaviour. Sustainability Award is an important achievement promoted by Kon Group, an Italian operator in financial and management consulting, sponsored by Azimut Area4 Emilia Romagna, Marche and Umbria, with the scientific institutional partner ALTIS Advisory, a spin-off of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and media partner Forbes Italia, with the purpose of promoting the sustainability culture in the Italian entrepreneur system, creating an elite of business leaders who have made sustainability the driver of their strategic development, a network of companies that have made sustainability their mission. The Sustainability Award 2023 ceremony took place in the prestigious setting of Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarters of the Italian Stock Exchange, with the 100 top excellence companies committed to the ambitious goal of corporate sustainability.
Fiorini International Top Excellence at Sustainability Award 2023
FSC® C015302 Forest Week 2024
Forest Week is the annual campaign that raises awareness about FSC® C015302 work and highlights the role forest stewards have in fighting climate...
Paris is the global capital of the beauty, luxury, premium brands, and personal care markets:
Paris Packaging Week is the world’s leading packaging innovation events. We are proud to be there to share our best practice, excellent production,...
Fiorini International erhält CONAI 2022 Preis für Verpackungsökodesign
Fiorini international gewinnt CONAI 2022 Preis für Nudelbeutel mit transparentem Fenster, vollständig recycelbar. Wir waren schon immer...
Planet Vs Plastics is the Earth Day 2024 theme
On 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated worldwide. The first Earth Day dates back to 1970: it has marked the beginning of the environmental movement...
Celebrate with us the value of forests with FSC Week 2022
Choose Fiorini International product in FSC® certified paper and take care of forests for future generations We are proudly FSC® C015302 certified,...
Legality, ethics, transparency and respect certified by the Italian Authority
Respect, ethics, transparency and governance represent some of the main pillars of our business strategy, market reputation and sustainable...