On 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated worldwide. The first Earth Day dates back to 1970: it has marked the beginning of the environmental movement and led to fundamental political changes, increasing awareness on environmental issues. Earth Day has now become a global event and is an important reminder of corporate and collective responsibility for the planet. The theme of Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs Plastics: we know that If we do not take actions on plastic usage, there will be more plastic than fishes in the oceans by 2050. The real goal is not just about having less plastic waste, but it is also about preserve the planet. This is our primary mission: support our customer business in switching to certified paper packaging, choosing responsibly managed forests in order to reduce and remove plastic material. It is part of our corporate mission and a key value of our organisation. On this Earth Day we confirm our mission: to support customers in switching to paper packaging, reducing and eliminating plastics